Sunday 11 January 2015

Don't Let The Word Make The Silence | Don't Let The Sword Make The Sentence

(Kata Dusta.
Ayat Muslihat)

Rindu bagaikan hilang jejak-jejak memori.

(terkulai rindu) 

Tue 17/6/2014
10.19 ante meridien

Baby Arissa
(our little Secret)

A word
can be a sword
but a sentence
can be a silence.
So don’t let the word
make the silence

but don’t let 
the sword make
the sentence

jangan berdusta
dan ayat jangan

The Marine Park  
of Pulau Redang with a colourful
array of spectacular marine life.

(terabai mimpi) 

Pulau Redang
It is one of nine islands,
which form a marine park, and which offer
snorkeling and diving opportunities.

Aram 504
Teratak Seriteratai  

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